Grilled Corn on the Cob

This simple, inexpensive side is a staple at barbecues, picnics, and backyard potlucks because it’s easy to make and delicious to eat. We’ll equip you with all the grilling tips you need to enjoy perfect corn on the cob off the grill all summer long.

If you’d love any reason to fire up your grill, check out this delicious BBQ Lemonade.

Why did you describe us?

  • 3 grilling options to cover all your bases: in the crust, off the crust, and in aluminum foil.
  • Detailed step-by-step instructions make it easy to get delicious corn on the cob right off the grill every time.

Grilled corn cob with peeled back husk showing roasted texture and black pepper.

Ingredient notes

Raw corn on the cob with a plate of butter and other ingredients.
  • Corn in the cup: Fresh, healthy corn will have a tight husk without rotting or drying out. Avoid anything that looks dry or melted.
  • ghee: Butter is the fat and fat brings flavour. It also helps the salt and pepper stick to the corn.
  • Salt and Pepper: Add according to your personal taste.

Yellow, white and sweet corn

There are three common categories of corn you’ll find sold for eating, and they’re all delicious. They can all be used for grilling.

yellow corn It has that bright yellow kernel that represents the famous cartoon image of corn on the cob. It’s a little sweet with a bit of a buttery flavour. It is everyone’s favorite choice for all purposes, including grilling.

White corn It has pale kernels that are smaller than those of yellow corn. It’s sweeter than popcorn, but the trade-off is the buttery flavor. These beans are also a little more delicate in texture.

Sweet corn Refers to corn with a high sugar content. The fun part is that there are yellow and white corn varieties that can be considered sweet corn.

Grilling in the peel

An easy method that allows you to steam the corn directly inside the husk. An optional step is to peel the shell and remove the silk threads from the cob. To prevent the husk from burning or catching fire, soak the corn for 15 minutes to an hour before grilling. The moisture then creates steam inside the shell.

Grilling of the peel

Corn can be shucked and grilled directly on the grates to fill the kernels with that smoky, grilled flavor. This cob gets drier, but the sugar in the corn caramelizes a little more when grilled directly on the grill grate, giving it a unique flavor.

Grilling in foil

Foil is a single-serve option that’s great for feeding a crowd. You can also add butter and spices directly to the piece of bread. The steam, butter and caramel are trapped there in the wafer. Not a lot of smoke or barbecue flavor goes in, but the level of juiciness and convenience is a worthwhile trade-off.

Grilled ears of corn on the cob with peeled husks at the table.

Choose the perfect cup

Examine the peel: Look for a tight, green shell that fits snugly around the ear. Avoid any moldy or dry spots. The silk that emerges from the top should be brown and still a little sticky and not dry.

Check for errors: Make sure there are no holes in the peel, as this may indicate insects getting inside.

Peel off the peel: If suitable for storage, carefully peel off a small portion of the peel to examine the grain. It should be plump and moist.

Avoid dry or shrunken corn: Stay away from ears that look dry or wilted, as they will not be as fresh or flavourful.

Storage and reheating instructions

Fridge In an airtight container for up to four days.

Reheating Wrapped in aluminum foil and baked in the oven at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Or reinvent corn in a fresh summer corn salad.

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