Red, White, and Blue Fruit Salad

Give your patriotic celebrations a little more pizzazz with an appropriately colorful and incredibly delicious fruit salad. You can even throw in some stars! We’ve tried and tested these flavors time and time again at the potluck after a party and they are always a hit. No leftover fruit salad here! This is the type of fruit salad where the bowl is always empty at the end.

If you like this salad, check out this amazing summer fruit salad.

Why did you describe us?

  • Gives you the patriotic feeling of red, white, and blue in a delicious fruit salad.
  • Use a cookie cutter and add more fun with some star-shaped movements!
  • Perfect for Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, and Veterans Day, but still delicious to serve for any other occasion.

A large bowl of red, white and blue fruit salad on a table.

This recipe was born when we were hosting the Fourth of July and wanted to take the fruit salad we love and make it feel more American. We’ve found unique ingredients that complement each other in an amazing symphony of flavours. Fresh fruit, salty cheese, and sweet honey are enough to make your mouth water! This will definitely be a hit at any occasion.

Ingredient notes

Red, white and blue salad ingredients on the table.


  • Seedless watermelon: You can also use cookie cutters or watermelon balls to add more fun to your salad.
  • Strawberry: Look to be as mature as possible.


  • Vita collapsed: This salty agent adds a creamy texture and enhances other flavors. Cheese and fruit are just a perfect match!


  • Blueberries and blackberries: Make sure the berries are as ripe as possible.

And the rest

  • pineapple: The cookie cutter can be used to make star-shaped pieces or simply cut them into bite-sized cubes.
  • Fresh mint: Refreshing and light mint is perfect for the summer heat.
  • honey: This is another flavor element and sticky sweetness. You don’t have to use it, but we love the extra sweetness and texture.
  • Lemon juice: This adds brightness to the salad and another layer of flavor.

Pineapple slices

Delicious pineapple takes the stage to bring the stars of our flag in the colors red, white and blue. Once cut into small pieces, you can use a cookie cutter to create the famous star shape.

Even if you choose to cut them into bite-sized cubes, they still represent our bright beginnings.

Close-up view of red, white and blue fruit salad.

Prepare instructions in advance

This salad is best prepared less than 12 hours in advance for maximum freshness.

Storage instructions

Fridge Store any (unlikely) leftovers in an airtight container for up to three days.

Freeze Place remaining portions in an airtight container or resealable plastic freezer bag to turn into a thaw.

More delicious red, white, blue…

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