Red, White, and Blue Caprese Salad

This is one of the best recipes to come out of the test kitchen this summer. We are obsessed! We know how much you love your avocado caprese salad. We’ve transformed it into a red, white and blue version that will knock your socks off. Sure, this colorful dish is the perfect patriotic side dish for your holiday barbecues and backyard cookouts, but it’s also so delicious that you’ll find yourself vacationing just so you have an excuse to make it.

If you love caprese, just wait until you try these southwestern caprese bites!

Why did you describe us?

  • Celebrate red, white and blue in a side dish perfectly designed for barbecues and backyard cookouts.
  • So delicious that you’ll come up with any excuse to make it!

Large bowl of red, white and blue caprese salad.

You won’t have any leftovers when you make this Red, White, and Blue Caprese Salad. There was definitely no residue left when we made them for these photos in the studio! This is your new tradition for Memorial Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, and Independence Day. Not an American? We love you too! Our British and Australian friends will be taking part in the event too. It won’t even matter what country you’re from because these will be favorites no matter what part of the world you find yourself in, no matter what day it is.

Ingredient notes

View of red, white and blue caprese salad ingredients on a table.
  • Grape tomatoes: Perfect for beauty, but you can also use cherry tomatoes, or chopped Roma tomatoes.
  • Strawberry: Go with slices, or quarters
  • blueberry: You have to have this blue color, we love the pop and flavor, but you can play with blackberries too.
  • Small mozzarella balls: The item you are looking for may be called mini mozzarella balls, bocconcini, or mozzarella pearls.
  • Fresh basil: Fresh is best, but if you want to get rid of that green color, replace it with 2 tablespoons of dried and mix it into the sauce.
  • honey: A little sweet
  • White balsamic vinegar: A little sour
  • Extra virgin olive oil: Fats that run the flavor
  • Salt and pepper: And the natural flavor enhancer that brings them together.

Tomato selections

We recommend using grape tomatoes for this recipe. However, cherry and Roma tomatoes also do a good job of maintaining their shape after being cut. You can also make this salad with any regular diced tomato. These tend to be juicier, which may make the salad waterier and affect the overall presentation.

Small mozzarella balls

You can find mini mozzarella balls in the fresh cheese section of most grocery stores in the United States. Just look for it in round plastic containers or sealed bags. You can generally find it alongside other larger balls of fresh mozzarella. Fresh cheeses are generally in a different section than mozzarella and shredded cheese. The names you’ll find for these cute cheese balls might be mini mozzarella balls, bocconcini, or mozzarella pearls.

Vinegar alternatives

We recommend using white balsamic vinegar for its mild flavor and clear color. Regular balsamic vinegar also tastes delicious but will give the salad a brown color. Other clear or light-colored options include mild vinegars such as white wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Add a little extra honey if you are using this less sweet vinegar to balance the flavors.

View of a red, white, and blue caprese salad with the colors of the ingredients arranged in stripes.

Storage instructions

If you don’t plan to eat it right away, wait to put the sauce on until you are about to eat it. If you’re not going to eat it all in one sitting, you can just put the sauce on the portion you’re eating at that time.

Fridge Store leftovers in an airtight container for up to three days.

More of those delicious lettuce-free salads…

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