Delectable Olive Oil Banana Bread

Yes, banana bread with olive oil is definitely delicious like this Vegan banana waffle. I can’t wait for you to taste how absolutely delicious it is. The first time I tried making this recipe, the result wasn’t very good.

Thank God I tried it again and the result was better. You’ll love how moist and dense the texture of this banana bread is. You’ll also find that you appreciate the healthy addition of extra virgin olive oil and white whole wheat flour.

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I just want to mention that just because Using these particular ingredients doesn’t mean you have to. You can substitute regular olive oil and regular flour if you wish.

For your information -You can’t even taste the olive oil in this banana bread. If you’re really worried about the taste, just make sure you use a mild-flavored olive oil.

If I were you, I would stick with using The firstborn Olive oil instead of olive oil. Of course, you can use any type you prefer. More on that later..

What to love about this banana bread:

It’s whole grain

Of course, as I mentioned before; Banana bread with olive oil is absolutely delicious. Besides, this banana bread contains healthy whole grains of white whole wheat flour.

I know I said you could substitute all-purpose flour instead, but whole wheat flour adds a healthier texture. But the texture is not as dense as if you used regular whole wheat flour.

White whole wheat flour is a lighter wheat, so anything you bake with it won’t be as heavy. The texture will be more lighter. At one point, I thought it was a combination of regular and whole wheat flour; But this is not the issue.

No eggs required

Most non-vegetarian banana bread recipes require the addition of eggs. Not this banana bread! It comes out completely without eggs. Since I’ve also experimented with creating vegan recipes, I’ve found that you don’t always need eggs for every baking recipe. This can even include regular ones Non-vegetarian Recipes.

This certainly doesn’t mean a reduction in flavor either. If you think about it: eggs themselves have no flavor. So they don’t contribute any flavor to anything. They just help add structure to the baked product.

For this reason, some recipes do not contain eggs (Mainly cakes, muffins, etc.) will include the addition of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar helps add structure. It also helps the baked product rise better. Basically, it does the job that white people do.

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It’s very easy to make

There’s nothing I hate more than needing a bunch of ingredients and equipment to make a simple recipe. I’m sure you feel the same. Of course in some cases, you need a specific device; Such as hand blender, grater, blender, etc.

But in most cases, we are not in a good mood; right? Well, fortunately; This banana bread recipe doesn’t require much to prepare. All you really need is a large bowl, a smaller bowl for mashing bananas, and some tools.

It’s perfect for a healthy dessert or even a nutritious breakfast

You can definitely enjoy a slice or two of this delicious olive oil banana bread whenever you want. It’s amazing like that. And who can blame you when it’s healthy and delicious too?

Extra virgin olive oil and olive oil

You can easily think that extra virgin olive oil and olive oil are the same. Honestly, I didn’t know that there were two different types of olive oil. I would see them in the store and all I would see were the words: olive oil.

Just to enlighten you, if you’re not aware: olive oil, no (virgin) Olive oil is highly processed. While extra virgin olive oil is not. Regular olive oil also contains solvents and other chemicals due to its processing. Read on for more information..

I was curious as to why olive oil is cheaper than its extra virgin olive oil counterpart. Because it is a high quality oil and better for your health. I prefer to use extra virgin in my recipes for this reason.

But you are free to use any olive oil you prefer for this recipe. It’s sure to be delicious either way.

Ingredients for delicious banana bread with olive oil:

You don’t really need many ingredients for this banana bread recipe. I would definitely recommend using bananas truly mature.

In other words, make sure you have black spots everywhere and look unattractive. That’s when they’re ready and perfect for this, or any other recipe that calls for ripe bananas.

  • 3 medium bananas (very ripe).
  • White whole wheat flour: Or you can replace it with regular all-purpose flour.
  • Flour for all uses
  • baking powder
  • baking soda
  • Salt: You only need a very small amount to ensure proper flavor balance.
  • cinnamon
  • Cane (granulated) sugar
  • Vanilla extract
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Milk: You can use regular milk or dairy-free milk.

More easy dessert recipes you can try

Thank you so much for your interest in this olive oil banana bread recipe. I’d love to know how you liked it. Let me know in the comments section below. Thank you and God bless you!

Banana bread with olive oil

Delicious banana bread with olive oil


Moist and delicious whole grain banana bread that everyone is sure to love. Plus, it’s super easy to make and contains nourishing extra virgin olive oil. Can’t you love him?

Prep time 15 minutes

Cooking time 54 minutes

54 minutes

Total time 1 hour 9 minutes

turn sweet

kitchen American

Shares 10 Slices

Calories 197.89 Calories

  • 3 A medium, very ripe banana mashed

Dry ingredients

  • 1 cup White whole wheat flour All-purpose flour can be substituted
  • 1 cup Flour for all uses
  • 3/4 small spoon baking soda
  • 1/2 small spoon baking powder
  • 1/2 small spoon salt
  • 1/2 small spoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup Granulated sugar

Wet ingredients

  • 1 small spoon Vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup Extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 cup And 6 1/2 tablespoons of regular or dairy-free milk
  • Preheat your oven to 325 degrees. Grease or spray a 9 x 5-inch loaf pan with a little oil or butter. Sit aside.
  • If you haven’t already done so, mash the bananas and set aside.

  • Add all dry ingredients to a large bowl. Mix well, making sure all ingredients are well combined. *Make sure any flour at the bottom of the bowl is incorporated into the mixture as well*
  • Add wet ingredients, including mashed banana. To the bowl.Combine the mixture well. Don’t stir too much until the loaf is as moist as possible.
  • Add the mixture to the loaf pan. Smooth the top evenly.Bake for 53-54 minutes, or until cooked through.**Note: If you prefer your loaf crust to be softer, cover loosely with aluminum foil for 8-10 minutes before removing from the oven. We test it with a toothpick to make sure it is done**
  • After baking, leave the loaf to cool in the pan for a few minutes. Next, transfer the loaf to a cooling rack or other surface to cool further; Before applying.

Keyword Banana Bread Recipe, Baking Recipe, Dairy Free, Vegan Dessert, Vegan Recipe

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